An Introduction
Launched in 1999, RIIT Vocational Education is an institution operating in education segment organizing various training programmes relevant to industry demands. We have over the years acquired expertise in this domain serving students nationally & internationally. We have partnered with various institutions for promoting and organizing their training programmes. The programmes offered are suitable for working class to scale up their employment enhancements and for the fresher’s/students to get employed suitably. Students are having the option to choose the courses based on their requirement and current domain in which they work for. We have the quality certification of ISO 9001-2015 which covers the entire area of our operations.
RIIT Vocational education is having highly sophisticated LMS (Learning Management System) for administering the operational activities. We have the full-fledged and well maintained ERP for managing our internal activities in addition to the infrastructure across the globe. RIIT is having experience of more than 20 years in the industry.